Basis System Description of Information in Psychology

Malyshev, Konstantin
Lebedev, Yakov
Vologda Technical University,

Quick and good learning depends on the correct development of attention, memory, perception and thinking. Many authors solved this problem in different ways. So there is graphic representation of the mental factors in the J.Guilford’s descriptions. We may state in the firm belief – it is aspiration to the system description though in the embryo. For the first time system descriptions basis are displayed in the works of V.Ganzen. In spite of the basis efficiency in the system descriptions their possibilities are far from being realized and because of that they are not used completely. One of the ways to increase the basis use efficiency is its space transformation through the space dimensions changes. There are grounds for this in the works of J.Guilford and V.Ganzen. Each author distinguishes such psychic functions as reflection, regulation, realization. V.Ganzen spoke on the possibility of growing dimensions enclosure one into another. We happened to realize this idea in the generalized multidimensional and multilevel basis. The first generalized basis hierarchy level is distinguished by the leading real process contradiction and is expressed by the dichotomic couple. Two-dimensional (n=2) basis level is distinguished by the conditions of the process procedure. According to V.Ganzen it is controlled by the space-time and power-informational processes. The third level (n=3) of the basis gives realization. According the J.Guilford it corresponds to character, content, product. The generic concept (substrate) creates zero-dimensional space (n=0) and in our case it is introduced by the concept “information”. The suggested in this paper generalized basis gives the opportunity of going out to modelling, typologing and dimension (scientist’s and teacher’s dream) in particular in psychology and in pedagogics (taking into account this basis poli-semantic information load possibility).

Let us give a system description example with the help of the generalized explanation basis of the conception “thinking”: 1) “thinking” (n=0); 2) “analysis – synthesis” (n=1); 3) “objective” (analysis)”, “symbolic (analysis) – sign (synthesis)” (n=2); 4) “units (analysis) – relations (syntheses)”, “class (analysis) – transformation (synthesis)”, “blocks (analysis) – reasoning (synthesis)” (n=3).

With the help of the generalized basis we max give system description of the following conceptions: “attention”, “memory”, “perception”, “emotions”, “will”, “temperament”, “character”, “values”, “personality” and ets.

Many years structural formation and system description experience of the psychological information with the help of the generalized basis turned to be methodically productive in the teaching process of psychology in Technical and humanitarian universities. Perception, understanding and creative interpretation of the psychological information by the students greatly improved.